This heart-wrenching song trickled into Josh's brain one day a couple years after the unfortunate events of the Boston Marathon Bombing. Sunil Tripathi, a young Brown University undergraduate student, was wrongly accused on social media of being involved in the bombings. He went missing in March of 2013 and his body was found in the Seekonk River in April, after the bombers had already been apprehended. Josh brought this tune to the band shortly after we began playing together, and it's been a staple ever since (with some refinement here and there).
This song is dedicated to the memory of Sunil Tripathi, and to all those wrongfully accused of crimes. Click here for chords
10/6/2022 12:27:40 pm
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10/7/2022 02:32:01 pm
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10/13/2022 02:00:50 pm
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10/15/2022 10:23:13 pm
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10/19/2022 09:35:38 am
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10/19/2022 07:52:04 pm
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10/19/2022 08:48:40 pm
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10/28/2022 08:52:50 pm
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11/3/2022 01:31:59 am
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Sam AtwoodI do most of the bookkeeping and media organization for TKB. I've started an ongoing project of collecting the lyrics, chords, and arrangement for our songs and I'll put them here for your perusal! ArchivesCategories |